To make learning stick, keep to your preferences for verse mapping: And more than anything, make it YOU… and God will meet you in that unique and intimate space.

This is your journal, and your study time with God. To make it personal, be YOU in verse mapping: Everything is fair game in studying, as long as God said it first. If you can back up your conclusions with Scripture, then you can write them down. To make it easy, there’s just one rule for verse mapping: But once you’ve gathered the tools and mastered the confidence to apply what you’ve learned, it’s up to you how your journal will look… how in-depth you study… and how long you’ll spend time with God each day. WHAT ARE THE RULES? There’s no structural right or wrong way to verse mapping-working from right to left (a documentation page on the right, notes page on the left), and top of the page to bottom is how this study is structured. And He’s going to make sure you learn no matter where you begin. The Holy Spirit is your teacher and companion in this study it’s not the what you bring to the table that qualifies you-it’s Who. Verse mapping will inspire you to dig into the Word of God in individual study, and in a group setting like never before. What matters is not how much knowledge you have before you begin, but where the experience takes you. WHAT QUALIFIES ME TO THIS KIND OF STUDY? If you’re not a seminary-trained theologian by education, don’t worry-verse mapping is for anyone with a heart to know the Word of God more. It’s researching everything you can in a verse to learn more about Who God is, and how He wants to speak to you through His Word. Plain and simple? Verse mapping is getting real about studying the Bible. But what is Verse Mapping * and who’s doing it? And can a few steps really help us understand God’s Word more clearly?ĭEFINITION: Verse-Mapping is a method of studying the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse in the Bible. And you guessed it-Bible journaling images and methods are popping up all over social media. You’ll find endless examples with a simple online search.

Mapping Bible verses isn’t new it’s been a topic of conversation for years.
If you want to unpack the context of the Scriptures you’re reading but do it in a super-simple way- looking at the Hebrew/Greek translations, finding connections in the Word, & learning as much as you can from your time with the Holy Spirit- then get ready… You’ve just joined the Bible study series that will inspire, encourage, and unlock our understanding of the Word of God! To make it your oxygen and apply its promises to your daily faith walk.

You’re here because you want to need God’s Word. (*)Verse Mapping – All content: ©2015-2018 by Kristy Cambron