This keeps the food dry and prevents it from spoiling or growing mould.Įqually as important as protection from moisture is the protection from other contaminants. To ensure that the bird feeder is protected even against heavy rain and wind, it is recommended to have a significant roof overhang on all sides. A roof on the bird feeder keeps the feed dry and protects the birds from birds of prey. In addition to the right material, weather protection should also be taken into account. A roof protects the birdseed from moisture and mould They should only be used if they can be replaced regularly. Organic materials, such as straw or cardboard, pose little danger of injury but are almost impossible to clean. Plastic is the easiest to clean and relatively durable, but it can be difficult for beginners to work with and is unfortunately not particularly sustainable. In the case of built-in metal brackets, additional care must be taken to avoid sharp or pointed edges. Wood is easy to clean and work with but must be sanded down to minimise the risk of injury. Pay particular attention to the last point – dirty bird feeders can easily spread diseases and parasites among the birds. The risk of injury to the birds, the workability of the material and how well it can be cleaned are all important considerations when choosing a material. Wood, plastic and/or other materials can be used to build a bird house, and each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. But which parts are essential, and which are just a matter of taste? The right building material certainly plays a role. There is a plethora of design options for bird feeders. Bird feeders must be placed high enough to protect the birds from predators What should a bird feeder look like?
Place bird feeders at least metres away from windows and other glass panes. Last but not least, keep an eye out for any glass panes nearby birds have a difficult time seeing them and may suffer fatal injuries if they fly into them by mistake. Birds are especially attracted to bird feeders placed near shrubs that provide berries or edible seeds. In the end, a compromise is best – place the bird house so that predators cannot easily ambush the bird feeder, but the birds can still find shelter quickly in the event of danger. That said, many birds do not feel comfortable in open spaces either. Possible climbing aids, such as garden walls or tree trunks, should also not be too close to the bird feeder. The bird feeder must be placed high enough so that cats and other predators have no chance of reaching the birds. The placement of the bird house is important for successful feeding.

But there are few essential things to keep in mind. Whether small or large, colourful or discreet, almost any bird feeder will be well received by birds. In contrast to building nesting boxes, which must meet the exact requirements of specific bird species, building bird feeders has almost no limits.
How to make a plastic bottle bird feeder.